Since I have not been the best about keeping the site updated I will try and sum up the last month of Madi's life the best I can:
Madi has ben eating rice cereal for about a month now and she loves it! I wasn't sure how she would do with eating from a spoon (honestly, I was expecting it to be more of a challenge for her than usual) but she did great! She is already showing me not to expect any less from her! :) She totally got it from the start. She gets so excited when she sees the spoon, opens her mouth and swallows it all. She was definitely ready! I love feeding her each night. She has recently learned to blow spit from her tongue and she does it every now and then. She recently tried it with cereal in her mouth and literally sprayed it back in my face. I couldn't help but laugh and then of course she thought it was so funny! It is fun to watch her get so excited for her cereal. We are planning on adding in some other foods in a week or so. I'll let you know how that goes.
Madi battled through her first cold/cough. She really just had a touch of something but it did start to set in to her lungs as a bronchial infection so she was put on her first dose of antibiotics. She also received an antibiotic booster shot which really helped clear out all the fluid. She is doing great now and her lungs sound clear! We are happy it cleared up and now the biggest challenge is to keep her healthy between now and her surgery (May 21st). Eventhough she was sick, Madi was still her happy self. She did get a little more clingy to mom and stopped sleeping through the night. She would wake up coughing so of course I would go in and pick her up and hold her until she fell back asleep. Well, miss Madi decided that she likes that and continued that routine even after her cough was gone. She has just recently (the last few nights) started sleeping through the night again...and boy am I loving it!
Madi is still going through a little stranger anxiety every once and a while. There are just some times when she decides that she wants mom and that is that. She has develpoed quite an opinion and will let you know what she wants. Uncle Jason was actually impressed at hearing her cry...she is usually so even-tempered.
Here are a few stats on Madi:
- weighs 13lbs 8oz
- is our little peanut (wears 3-6/6 months clothes)
- is rolling all over the place
- has a sparkle in her eye when she smiles (reminds me of Grandma Rita)
- loves to suck on/drink water out of my glass and gets mad if I take it away
- is a cat napper most days (45 mins) but sometimes takes a 2 hour nap
- talks/babbles constantly and is pretty loud (gee I wonder where she gets that from)
- loves to watch and grab at our dog Ollie
- loves it when I sing to her (yikes!)
- has us wrapped around her little finger
- loves to be outside
- is still so cuddly
- has crazy hair (she definitely has the comb-over look going for her)
- has gotten much stronger and much better head control
- is working on learning to sit up on her own
- is definitely the best thing that has happened to us!!!!
We hope all of you are well and had a very Happy Easter. I will do my best to keep the site updated more often. We will definitely keep it updated throughout her surgery and recovery...many of you have requested that. We ask that you all keep Madi in your prayers. She is our tough little cookie and we have faith that she will do great and everything will go well!!!