Yesterday was Madi's 6 month birthday and I figured we should celebrate with a little cupcake...a trial run for the big day! So I sat Madi in her chair and put a delicious cupcake on her tray. She wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first and was more interested in smiling at me but she did eventually stick her hand in it. She was looking at her hand covered in pink frosting and of course I cleaned her up before she could stick it in her mouth...I thought it may be a bad idea to introduce sugar already! If she takes after mom she will love sweets! Here are a couple of pics capturing the moment...isn't she adorable?!?!
I can't believe it has already been six months since this sweet little girl entered our lives. It truly has flown by and she has changed so much. We are so blessed to have Madi and we thank God every day for her.
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